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What is AnimeBNB?

AnimeBNB is a Binance Smart Chain-based cryptocurrency one-of-a-kind rewards platform with maximum payouts through a gaming platform, where buyers and sellers meet to transact based on long-term speculative and value views.AnimeBNB is based on Binance Smart Chain BSC(BEP20).

Full description of AnimeBNB

AnimeBNB is a Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain-based Cryptocurrency (?) one-of-a-kind rewards platform with maximum payouts through a gaming platform, where buyers and sellers meet to transact based on long-term speculative and value views.AnimeBNB is based on Binance Smart Chain BSC(BEP20). This ecosystem is based upon automatic Rewards, LP Acquisition, Yield Farming. LP Acquisition is advantageous in cryptocurrency as it generates rewards by holding the Coin (?) and generates passive income. AnimeBNB also provides multifunction for user their users like a secure platform for ultra-fast transactions, lower fees than other coins, and a burning function. AnimeBNB IS an Eco-Friendly currency that does not want to damage the environment, so that’s why it disabled the Mining (?) function, no one can mine AnimeBNB.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ANB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

AnimeBNB for developers

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 Source: NOMICS