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What is AnpanSwap?

AnpanSwap is a DeFi protocol, built on BSC network with AMM (Trade), Farms & Stake (Earn), Prediction & Lottery (Win), and some products such as NFT, Vote, and Derivative, etc.

Full description of AnpanSwap

AnpanSwap is a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) protocol, built on BSC network with AMM (Trade), Farms & Stake (Earn), Prediction & Lottery (Win), and some products such as NFT, Vote, and Derivative, etc. AnpanSwap is aimed at bridging the gap between people and the Cryptocurrency (?) market and improving the trading experience.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ANPAN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

AnpanSwap for developers

AnpanSwap social sites

 Source: NOMICS