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What is APYSwap?

APYSwap is a protocol for the decentralised exchange of shares of Tokenized Vaults. It achieves this through the creation of a Layer 2 blockchain where users can trustlessly swap accounts & assets from multiple Layer 1 blockchains.

Full description of APYSwap

APYSwap is a protocol for the decentralised Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) of shares of Tokenized Vaults. It achieves this through the creation of a Layer 2 Blockchain (?) where users can trustlessly swap accounts & assets from multiple Layer 1 blockchains. Including Ethereum, Polkadot, HECO, and Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain.
  • Exchange symbol (?): APYS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

APYSwap for developers

APYSwap social sites

 Source: NOMICS