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What is PolyMonster?

Monster is made by yield farmers for yield farmers, just like you.

Full description of PolyMonster

Monster is made by yield farmers for yield farmers, just like you. We’ve been rugged a couple of times and we’ve hitched a ride to the Moon (or to the moon) (?) also on some great projects, mainly buying tokens on pre-sale. Crypto can make you rich? sure. It’s a combination of timing, research, patience and luck. In monster we are providing a solid project with all the seasoning to make this a big opportunity for our investors. MONSTER is forked from SAFEMOON with some improved features MASTERCHEF 3.0 Same investors, more profits!. In Monster we’ll have the possibility of running multiple pools of the same token! Why is this a cool feature for you? Because APR’s will remain high independently of how many funds are added to the pool In traditional farms, APR’s decrease as users add funds, it is an usual situation in Yield Farming that after you invested in a pool with attractive APR’s these decrease heavily due to the added funds from other users. In monster we have an improved masterchef contract that can add new pools of the same token! So new funds go to new pools so they don’t decrease the “old” pools APRs. With this smart way of managing pools everybody wins, old and new investors. Harvest Lockup This mechanism helps us limit the frequency of harvest to prevent farming arbitrage bots from constantly harvesting and dumping. Lockup time will be determined according to community requests and base token You can check the harvest lockup time on each farm card. HYDRA CHAIN MONSTER MONSTER will be multi-chain, like a hydra. You will be able to invest the tokens from all the major blockchains safely in you preferred farm
  • Exchange symbol (?): MONSTER
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

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 Source: NOMICS