Power Cash (BEP-20) logo

What is Power Cash (BEP-20)?

Power Cash (PRCH) is a decentralized, digital bank, built on a unique blockchain/Coin system.

Full description of Power Cash (BEP-20)

Power Cash (PRCH) is a decentralized, digital bank, built on a unique blockchain/Coin system. PRCH Coin (?) is a 4th generation blockchain, a hybridized, multi-functional and cloud-confidential computing protocol using artificial intelligence by the name of PRO Chain / Hyper Hybrid Multi Cross Chain system Pure POS MN/POI/POC/POL.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PRCH
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

Power Cash (BEP-20) for developers

Power Cash (BEP-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS