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What is Rentible?

Rentible is a groundbreaking solution bringing decentralized-Proptech to the masses and enabling tenants and landlords to conveniently send and receive rental payments in cryptocurrencies while streamlining market verticals. Rentible seeks to position itself as a first-mover in this niche and to advance the move towards a decentralized proptech-economy.

Full description of Rentible

Rentible is a groundbreaking solution bringing decentralized-Proptech to the masses and enabling tenants and landlords to conveniently send and receive rental payments in cryptocurrencies while streamlining market verticals. Rentible seeks to position itself as a first-mover in this niche and to advance the move towards a Decentralized (?) proptech-economy. It strives to achieve it via crypto-incentivization, a mass-adoption-ready intuitive platform, and employment of DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) principles with automated smart contracts for generating an improved user experience for participants while remedying outdated problems currently existing in the market.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RNB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

Rentible for developers

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 Source: NOMICS