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What is Tagcoin (ERC-20)?

TagCoin is a Payment Token, created as a cryptocurrency, to support microtransaction solutions, as well as used as a micropayment itself.

Full description of Tagcoin (ERC-20)

TagCoin is a Payment Token, created as a cryptocurrency, to support microtransaction solutions, as well as used as a micropayment itself. Tagcash is one of the first customers to use it, as a payment method for the various services within the Tagcash Wallet, for advertising within Tagwild, as a rewards currency, and also used as an advertising payment currency within VTC.com. Other partners will join in the near future.
  • Exchange symbol (?): TAG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

Tagcoin (ERC-20) for developers

Tagcoin (ERC-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS