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What is Tangle (Arbitrum)?

Tangle incentivizes its own attractiveness by taxing certain contract interactions and then allocating those taxes as rewards for specific and desirable actions. When a rewardable action is performed by a user in any of the categories like Distributing or Staking, they receive a "point" in that category known as a Rewardable Event.

Full description of Tangle (Arbitrum)

Tangle incentivizes its own attractiveness by taxing certain contract interactions and then allocating those taxes as rewards for specific and desirable actions. When a rewardable action is performed by a user in any of the categories like Distributing or Staking, they receive a "point" in that category known as a Rewardable Event. These Rewardable Events are one factor used to determine the quantity of rewards received by that user whenever they choose to redeem rewards. Tangle was launched without a website. Within a week the first DAPP was created, allowing users to stake their tokens. By the second week there was another DAPP already live on the site, called Meta. There are two more dApps (Decentralized Application) (?) being developed for the Tangle ecosystem codenamed "xDex" and "Forutsi". The Tangle ecosystem started with Orbicular. Orbicular underwent multiple revisions before the project rebranded to "Tangle". These versions consisted of Orbi, OrbiV2, TNGL, TNGLV2 and TNGLV3 and finally, TNGL. Each time the project has been revised and the contracts redeployed, Spider has airdropped proportional tokens to previous holders. The current revision of the token, which you are viewing now, is an upgradeable contract using EIP-2535 and can be modified to suit future needs for the project, making it the final version of the token.
  • Exchange symbol (?): TNGL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

Tangle (Arbitrum) for developers

Tangle (Arbitrum) social sites

 Source: NOMICS