Zenith Coin (BEP-20) logo

What is Zenith Coin (BEP-20)?

Zenith Coin is the underlying utility Coin that powers the Zenith Hybrid chain.

Full description of Zenith Coin (BEP-20)

Zenith Coin (?) is the underlying utility Coin that powers the Zenith Hybrid chain. it also acts as a settlement mechanism for dApps (Decentralized Application) (?) built on the Zenith Hybrid Blockchain. The double-sign detection and other slashing logic guarantee security, stability, and chain finality.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ZENITH
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Cryptocurrency (?)

Zenith Coin (BEP-20) for developers

Zenith Coin (BEP-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS