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What is aFlame?

A hyperdeflationary (🔥-Burning) token with a 50 Trillion Total Supply.

Full description of aFlame

A hyperdeflationary (🔥-Burning) Token (?) with a 50 Trillion Total Supply. The token has a 25% fee in which 23% in amount bought or sold is then burned out of circulation. The amount of users trading will heavily influence the tokens price and amount in the circulating supply. The other 2% is a tax for development and marketing, these funds will be used for buy backs and manual burns. Our Goal is to lower the circulating the supply as much as possible! 🔥When buying or selling, please remember to set slippage to 15-24%. We require a higher slippage due to transaction burn tax(23%) and buy-back tax(2%) which amounts to 25%! 🔥Contract Address: 0x4ad50555a53de5926ec7a55f931ff28ae1554c72
  • Exchange symbol (?): ABLAZE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS