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What is ADANomics?

πŸͺ™ADANOMICSπŸͺ™ πŸš€πŸš€ Literally Just Stealth launched in the past few minutes.

Full description of ADANomics

πŸͺ™ADANOMICSπŸͺ™ πŸš€πŸš€ Literally Just Stealth launched in the past few minutes. BASED DEV πŸš€πŸš€ 😍Had an extremely small private presale of 25 bnb on pinksale , Starting market cap is 22k🀯 Adanomics has jumped on the hype train with the nomics hype and cardano rewards and we all know how hyped nomics + Reward tokens are on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain . 5% Cardano Rewards Automatically rewarded to holders for holding! 5% Marketing fee used for mainly marketing and project funding which is built into the contract where majority goes to marketing Wallet (?) . Team will be focusing on marketing and promotion to help push the Token (?) alongside the community helping and taking part LFG 3% Liquidity 1% Max Transaction / 2% Max Wallet - May Increase as we hit a higher MC βœ… Buy & Sell 16% βœ… Locked Liquidity βœ… Verified Smart Contract βœ… Lots of promo after launch βœ… Marketing Fee to keep pushing Promotion Liquidity Lock : Poocoin: Hold $ADAN and earn $ADA
  • Exchange symbol (?): ADAN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS