Aidbit Fundraising Platform is the best place to raise funds in any cryptocurrency, whether you’re an individual, a group, a community, or a business, with the lowest gas and transaction fees, one of the safest non-custodial multi-currency wallets, Token Swap, Automated Market Maker and NFT marketplace down the pipeline, rest assured, you’re partly participating in charities and partly investing. Aidbit’s creators and founders want the platform to be always available for community-led growth, environment, and self-sustainability.

Full description of AIDTOKEN

Aidbit Fundraising Platform is the best place to raise funds in any cryptocurrency, whether you’re an individual, a group, a community, or a business, with the lowest gas and transaction fees, one of the safest non-custodial multi-currency wallets, Token (?) Swap, Automated Market Maker and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) marketplace down the pipeline, rest assured, you’re partly participating in charities and partly investing. Aidbit’s creators and founders want the platform to be always available for community-led growth, environment, and self-sustainability. $AIDTOKEN is a Native Cryptocurrency (?) for Aidbit Fundraising Platform where holders who own 10 Million of $AIDTOKENs become eligible to govern the ecosystem, invigilate and arbitrate disputes on the system.
  • Exchange symbol (?): AIDTOKEN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

AIDTOKEN for developers

AIDTOKEN social sites

 Source: NOMICS