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What is The APIS?

Indexing protocol for querying and writing to open networks.

Full description of The APIS

Indexing protocol for querying and writing to open networks. Making APIs open and accessible to power a Decentralized (?) world. The APIS Protocol is a decentralized read and write platform designed to allow decentralized applications to function at a global scale. The network is layer-one and layer-two agnostic, allowing mainstream developers to manage complex interactions between their applications and Ethereum 1.0, Ethereum 2.0, Solana, Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain, optimistic and zk rollups, Filecoin, Helium, and future protocols should they garner significant adoption. API is the native utility Token (?) that is used for: Staking by API Nodes and Gateways. Staking as a validator on The APIS layer-two solution network once deployed. Staking to resolve disputes. Governing protocol upgrades and how The APIS treasury’s resources are allocated.
  • Exchange symbol (?): API
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

The APIS for developers

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 Source: NOMICS