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What is BitBan?

First Romanian Buyback Hyper-Deflationary DeFi Token.

Full description of BitBan

First Romanian Buyback Hyper-Deflationary DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) Token. $BAN Token (?) holders benefit from 4% static reflection reward from every transaction. The automatic liquidity system creates a stable asset price. Initial Liquidity Provided is locked through DXLock until 2022. Holders don’t need to manually claim their earning. Earnings are automatically distributed. Every time the price drops our team will use the buyback Wallet (?) to raise and maintain the price on an upward trend. The Buyback function of $BAN is different from a regular token burn process. Unlike a burn from non-circulating supply, the buyback immediately transfers value to the token holders by purchasing tokens from the open market and burning them. With BitBan’s unique buyback function, $BAN tokens are bought back from the DeFi market, resulting in an immediate increase in price. Those tokens are then instantly burned, permanently removing them from the circulating supply.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BAN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS