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What is Buried Bones?

"Buried Bones is a P2E game built on Binance smart chain, It has a complete economic model and is a card development game that integrates gamefi and socialfi.The gameplay is diverse, the rewards are rich.

Full description of Buried Bones

"Buried Bones is a P2E game built on Binance exchange (?) smart chain, It has a complete economic model and is a card development game that integrates gamefi and socialfi.The gameplay is diverse, the rewards are rich. Users can earn Crypto (?) by both playing game or Staking (?) their NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) cards. NFT marketplace - The hero cards, props, and fragments you own can be freely traded in the trading market, and a certain percentage of the transaction fee will be charged for each successful transaction. BBT is the native Token (?) of Buried Bones and will be used for rewarding players and stakers and will also be used as a native currency in the NFT marketplace."
  • Exchange symbol (?): BBT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Buried Bones for developers

Buried Bones social sites

 Source: NOMICS