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What is Binance GBP?

Binance GBP Stable Coin (BGBP) is a token issued by Binance with the price pegged to the GBP at a rate of 1 BGBP = 1 GBP.

Full description of Binance GBP

Binance GBP Stable Coin (?) (BGBP) is a Token (?) issued by Binance exchange (?) with the price pegged to the GBP at a rate of 1 BGBP = 1 GBP. BGBP is 100% backed by the same amount of GBP held by Binance in a bank account at all times.
  • Exchange symbol (?): BGBP
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Binance GBP for developers

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 Source: NOMICS