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What is Clover Protocol?

A completely /biz/-run DeFi project.

Full description of Clover Protocol

A completely /biz/-run DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) project. The network is governed by Token (?) owners, with a distribution as widely within the /biz/ community as possible via the fair launch. As chainlinkers understand that the financial system is slowly but surely becoming like LEGO bricks, there is opportunity at the edges to innovate as the bull run for Bitcoin, DeFi and daily /biz/ volume itself draw near. Incredible things happen when there's a community of individuals with similar values from a similar place who all have an economic incentive to see the project thrive. DeFi, fair launches and Airdrops (?) have proven to be very interesting and beyond the scams/pump'n'dumps there is something genuinely interesting here.
  • Exchange symbol (?): CLV
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Clover Protocol for developers

Clover Protocol social sites

 Source: NOMICS