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What is Daima Token?

Daima Token, the first token dedicated to saving the Parrot wildlife species in the Jungle and also maximizing the double reflection rewards to it’s holders, at a ratio of 80% given in $BNB (Binance Coin) which will provide immediate benefits to the user short & mid term, and 20% provided in $BANANA (ApeSwap Token) specifically built to provide profit for long term investors. Just hold Daima Token to earn 20% in BNB (8% from buy + 12% from sell) and 5% BANANA (2% from buy + 3% from sell), on every buy & sell transaction, automatically delivered to your wallet every 60 minutes.

Full description of Daima Token

Daima Token, the first Token (?) dedicated to saving the Parrot wildlife species in the Jungle and also maximizing the double reflection rewards to it’s holders, at a ratio of 80% given in $BNB (Binance Coin) which will provide immediate benefits to the user short & mid term, and 20% provided in $BANANA (ApeSwap Token) specifically built to provide profit for long term investors. Just hold Daima Token to earn 20% in BNB (8% from buy + 12% from sell) and 5% BANANA (2% from buy + 3% from sell), on every buy & sell transaction, automatically delivered to your Wallet (?) every 60 minutes.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DAIMA
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS