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What is DODO?

DODO is an ERC-20 token issued by the cryptocurrency platform DODOEx, which is a decentralized exchange and an aggregator at the same time.

Full description of DODO

DODO is an ERC-20 Token (?) issued by the Cryptocurrency (?) platform DODOEx, which is a Decentralized (?) Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) and an aggregator at the same time. The facility is also a decentralized on-chain liquidity provider that was first unveiled in August 2020 after a successful seed round led by Framework Ventures. DODOEx founders state that the platform has many advantages over other DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) protocols employed in the industry as it uses a new algorithm of market-making strategy. It stands apart from the approach of the automatic market maker employed by leading decentralized finance platforms such as Curve and Uniswap. In contrast to the automatic market maker, the alternative enhanced protocol was developed that was called proactive market maker (PMM). The facility plans to become the first trading platform in Asia that combines an aggregator and liquidity pools. 1inch is the only such platform in the world at the time of writing. DODO protocol The proactive market maker algorithms employed by DODOEx can cope with the problems encountered by DeFi platforms. The algorithms of AMM protocols can’t share their liquidity with other protocols and can’t benefit from the overall growth of liquidity in the decentralized finance industry due to the lack of composability. The drawbacks also include the dependence of DeFi exchanges’ APIs upon centralized exchanges. With the loss of this access, their liquidity structure can be destroyed. The enhanced algorithm of PMM used by DODOEx solves these problems. It delivers minimum slippage and helps to cope with impermanent loss well. The allocation of funds occurs with regard to the market prices. When the funds are allocated equally, only the prices closer to the market prices are used in trades. It creates a large gap between the liquidity in use and the liquidity provided. PMM is an advanced oracle-aided algorithm that is based on a formula delivering the contract fillable liquidity. The priorities of the project include the oracle price precision and optimization development. This is partially explained by the partnership of the company with Chainlink which focuses on developing oracles to be used specifically on the blockchain. DODOEx platform There are three categories of platform users that include liquidity providers, liquidity pool creators, and traders. The team has developed several programs to attract new members. There is a referral program on the platform enabling members of the community to earn on their referral links as they can get 10% of the invitee’s share. The novices are motivated to use the facility’s reward system as they are provided with 12 DODO reward tokens per Block (?) for the first week. The Mining (?) process is easy. It is enough just to trade digital assets on the platform for mining. It is planned to establish a trading mining prize pool that will get 3 DODO tokens per block. The activation of the Trading Mining feature is required for users to get 1% of the DODO tokens in the prize pool after the successful trading on the platform. In January 2020, the platform released the DODO Vending Machine that alleviates the tokens distribution and market-making process. The mechanism employed by the feature creates the liquidity market for the assets of customers. Any person can create a trading platform on DODO. The team plans to extend the functionality of the feature in the future so that the users could customize the platform’s parameters. DODO token DODO token is developed with a set of smart contracts developed by the in-house development team. DODO tokens are used for governance. As for other utilities of the asset, the platform also provided trading fee discounts on the platform for token holders along with crowdpooling and IDO (Initial DEX Offering) allocations. In February 2021, the DODO token was released on the Binance exchange (?) platform. It was possible to stake BNB, BUSD, and BETH tokens into different pools to farm DODO tokens. The Staking (?) period continued for 14 days. The seed round of DODO brought 6 thousand USD for the company. In October 2020, a private sale round was announced by the company that raised 5 million USD. Though Framework Ventures and DeFiance Capital participated in the seed round, these companies also joined the private sale led by Pantera Capital, Binance Labs, and Three Arrows Capital. The list of participants also included institutional investors such as Alameda Research Primitive Ventures, Longhash Ventures, etc. vDODO is a minted version of the token. It is minted at a fixed rate in which 1 vDODO is equal to 100 DODO. When users need to redeem vDODO to the DODO tokens they need to pay the fee, which is distributed to all other holders of the asset. The total supply of DODO tokens is 1 billion. The token sale started in February. The tokens allocation is the following. 6% of the total token supply is allocated for seed sales, 10% for private sales. 15% of the tokens are promised to the team and advisors, while 8% goes to operations and marketing expenditures. 1% of the supply is spent on IDO liquidity. The largest share, which is 60%, is allocated to community incentives. DODOEx team The platform was founded by the veterans of the cryptocurrency industry, which are rather powerful personalities in the Chinese DeFi community. These are Diane Dai, Qi Wang, and Migda Lei. Migda Lei is a Physics Ph.D. from Peking University who developed the architecture of a protocol, or to be particular, its market-making algorithm. He is also a co-founder of the exchange with Qi Wang and Diane Dai. Qi Wang founded DOS Network, which is a Chinese layer two oracle project. Previously, Qi Wang developed software programs for Oracle and Pure Storage. As for Diane Dai, she created DeFi Labs, which is a WeChat channel with a focus on decentralized finance in China.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DODO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS