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What is Dogen Finance?

Dogen Finance is a decentralized autonomous organization with the purpose of bringing Doges into DeFi.

Full description of Dogen Finance

Dogen Finance is a Decentralized (?) autonomous organization with the purpose of bringing Doges into DeFi. Dogen Finance provides a place for all doge-type tokens to generate yield. DOGEN Token (?) launched on Ethereum at 4:20pm PST on April 20th via yield farming with Uniswap LP tokens for doge-type token pairs. DOGEN farmers earn by combining their DOGE-related tokens such as renDOGE, SHIB, and AKITA with ETH in Uniswap and Staking (?) the resulting pool token in a Dogen Finance dog park on the ""Parks"" page. Dogen Finance is community-governed and works together to crowdsourced yield generation strategies. Based on the model of BadgerDAO, whose purpose is bringing Bitcoin to DeFi, Dogen Finance brings Doges to DeFi.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DOGEN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS