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What is DogStonks Pro?

DogStonks Pro is the next generation of the original DogStonks protocol. DogStonks is a token that can be bought at any price, but can only be sold for profit.

Full description of DogStonks Pro

DogStonks Pro is the next generation of the original DogStonks protocol. DogStonks is a Token (?) that can be bought at any price, but can only be sold for profit. If you attempt to sell at a cost lower than you bought, the contract won’t allow it. Anti-whale mechanics ensure that no single person owns too much of the supply. Only a maximum of 0.5% of the supply can be purchased per transaction. There is a 5 minute cooldown between transactions, which acts as an anti-bot mechanism. To reward loyal holders, the remaining liquidity pool unlocks and distributes to every holder if the price ever fails to make a new all-time high for one full week. It’s a built-in safety net! All liquidity is locked into the contract. Any LP you add will always belong to you and will not be distributed.
  • Exchange symbol (?): DOGPRO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

DogStonks Pro for developers

DogStonks Pro social sites

 Source: NOMICS