What is DYAKON?

"Dyakon is a cryptocurrency that was developed specifically for use in the Dyakon ecosystem.

Full description of DYAKON

"Dyakon is a Cryptocurrency (?) that was developed specifically for use in the Dyakon ecosystem. Dyakon Token (?) holders will be able to access all features of our network, including the ecommerce marketplace, where they will be able to purchase products and services. The next year, we'll likewise create our own exchange. People can join our exchange, deposit Dyacon and Tokens A and B, and receive fresh Coin (?) issued by our own blockchain. They can only purchase this new coin on our Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) unless they have Dyacon, Coin A, and Coin B. Afer a few months, we'll add additional cryptocurrencies and make it possible to purchase any cryptocurrency from our platform. Another function of Dyakon will be to allow our community to access games and in these games our community can earn another Token. These Tokens will be part of the Ecosystem that roams around Dyakon. The last piece of this Ecosystem is contained with the launch of our online communication and information channels where over time users can access it by paying a small monthly fee in Dyakon or in another Token of our Ecosystem."
  • Exchange symbol (?): DYN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

DYAKON for developers

DYAKON social sites

 Source: NOMICS