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What is Chikn Egg?

chikn is Avalanche's premier platform for upgradable NFTs & dual-token economies, bridging the gap between gaming, DeFi and the Metaverse. chikn are also an original series of 10k upgradable NFTs that lay EGG. EGG is the native Governance & Utility token of the chikn ecosystem, and is the fuel that runs all features of the platform. The chikn DAO governs a Treasury which originally holds 10% of the Total Supply of $feed, and increases over time. How chikn egg is used: EGG tokens can be staked to receive FEED that can then be used to grow the chikn. The EGG DAO governs a Treasury which holds 10% of the Total Supply of FEED, and increases over time. EGG is burned in a variety of methods, as a result of interacting with the chikn platform and the many products we offer.

Full description of Chikn Egg

chikn is Avalanche's premier platform for upgradable NFTs & dual-token economies, bridging the gap between gaming, DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) and the Metaverse. chikn are also an original series of 10k upgradable NFTs that lay EGG. EGG is the native Governance & Utility Token (?) of the chikn ecosystem, and is the fuel that runs all features of the platform. The chikn DAO governs a Treasury which originally holds 10% of the Total Supply of $feed, and increases over time. How chikn egg is used: EGG tokens can be staked to receive FEED that can then be used to grow the chikn. The EGG DAO governs a Treasury which holds 10% of the Total Supply of FEED, and increases over time. EGG is burned in a variety of methods, as a result of interacting with the chikn platform and the many products we offer. Some of these burning methods are: Breakage fees (8.33% of all staked EGG), FEED-swaps, CNS (the chikn naming service), Minting of future NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) collections, Upgrading future NFT series, chikn p2e & PVP game/s, Breeding, 3rd party NFT minting and more!
  • Exchange symbol (?): EGG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Chikn Egg for developers

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 Source: NOMICS