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What is ETHBNT Relay?

ETHBNT is a Bancor pool token representing shares in the ETH:BNT liquidity pool.

Full description of ETHBNT Relay

ETHBNT is a Bancor pool Token (?) representing shares in the ETH:BNT liquidity pool. ETHBNT collects fees from ETH-based conversions on Bancor. The ETH:BNT liquidity pool is no different than other liquidity pools on the Bancor Network, such as DAI:BNT or BAT:BNT, which process conversions and collect fees from DAI-based and BAT-based conversions on the network. The ETH:BNT pool will be configured with a liquidity provider fee of 0.1% -- meaning an ETH <> BNT conversion will generate a 0.2% fee for liquidity providers, since it requires two hops, ETH <> ETHBNT <> BNT. The liquidity provider fee is distributed to ETHBNT token holders in proportion to their holdings. The initial supply of ETHBNT pool tokens will be equal to 20% of the total BNT supply at the time of BNT holder snapshot. Like every pool token in the Bancor Protocol, ETHBNT pool tokens will have a dynamic supply: When a user adds liquidity to the ETHBNT pool, new ETHBNT pool tokens are minted; when a user withdraws liquidity from the ETHBNT pool, ETHBNT pool tokens are destroyed.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ETHBNT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS