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What is Illuminata BSC Liquidity Token?

We are a global leader in crosschain liquidity for the AMM Dex economy, primarily focussed on the Binance smartchain (BSC). Our prestige offering the Illuminata BSC Liquidity Token (IBLT) is a trustless liquidity fund that is managed entirely by smartcontracts.

Full description of Illuminata BSC Liquidity Token

We are a global leader in crosschain liquidity for the AMM Dex economy, primarily focussed on the Binance exchange (?) smartchain (BSC). Our prestige offering the Illuminata BSC Liquidity Token (?) (IBLT) is a trustless liquidity fund that is managed entirely by smartcontracts. The Decentralized (?) nature of IBLT tokens make it an attractive asset for investors of all types, proven by it's phenomenol growth of 80% this year (2022).
  • Exchange symbol (?): IBLT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS