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What is Keiko?

KEIKO is a charity Token with the goal of bringing awareness and charitable contributions to the dwindling whale population through cryptocurrency.

Full description of Keiko

KEIKO is a charity Token (?) with the goal of bringing awareness and charitable contributions to the dwindling Whale (?) population through cryptocurrency. We are a community-centric, Decentralized (?) project where everyone has a say in what moves we make going forward. We have a strong community of diamond fisted holders who believe in the long term hold. With a strong tokenomics in place, 2% of every sell gets distributed to whale charities. With a roadmap to success, and NFT’s to come raising awareness for whales. $KEIKO was built on the ethereum Blockchain (?) with a smart code that makes it safe to invest and beneficial to hold.
  • Exchange symbol (?): KEIKO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Keiko for developers

Keiko social sites

 Source: NOMICS