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What is Ledgit?

Ledgit is focusing on providing a blockchain platform utilising Smart Application technology and Smart Contracts which provides provenance functions and features in two aspects; Supply Chain and Cultural Heritage. Ledgit (LDG) is based on ERC20 following widely adopted token implementation standards.

Full description of Ledgit

Ledgit is focusing on providing a Blockchain (?) platform utilising Smart Application technology and Smart Contracts which provides provenance functions and features in two aspects; Supply Chain and Cultural Heritage. Ledgit (LDG) is based on ERC20 following widely adopted Token (?) implementation standards. Ledgit apps is estimated to be released in Android OS PlayStores in the end of June of 2018 and iOS thereafter.
  • Exchange symbol (?): LDG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS