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What is Liquidator DAO?

We have a proven business plan that is already profitable: With our funds combined, we short excessively-hyped coins on Binance and other exchanges, forcing over-leveraged traders into liquidation.

Full description of Liquidator DAO

We have a proven business plan that is already profitable: With our funds combined, we short excessively-hyped coins on Binance exchange (?) and other exchanges, forcing over-leveraged traders into liquidation. Each liquidation pushes prices further down, in turn causing more liquidations in a cascade that results in an avalanche of profits for our token-holders. In a perfect world, where market liquidity was infinite and futures markets were perfectly insulated from spot markets, the Liquidator DAO’s strategy would not work. But this is not a perfect world. The value of the Liquidator Token (?) does not depend on marketing, celebrity endorsements, or banner ads. We don’t rely on trendy NFTs, Reddit spam, forced memes, or aggressive Telegram bots with poor grammar. Instead, we harvest value from futures liquidations, using the same business model that makes Binance and its ilk so tremendously profitable. This value is extracted in the form of blue-chip cryptocurrencies (BTC, ETH, BNB, and USDC), which we then use to repurchase Liquidator tokens. Liquidator is fundamentally different from other tokens in three important ways: (1) Our token’s value rises without requiring others to purchase it; (2) As liquidations tend to increase in number and value during broad downturns in the Cryptocurrency (?) market, our token serves as a hedge against market crashes and generates profit during times of widespread decline. (3) Liquidator operates as a DAO, offering token holders unprecedented security and control over the project. Read our whitepaper for more information. We do the math.
  • Exchange symbol (?): LIQUIDATOR
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS