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What is CashCow Protocol Milk?

Milk Token is the token with the following use cases: -Rewarding CashCow Staking Pools Users -Minting NFTs -In-Game Currency $MILK tokenomics are totally different compared to CashCow Token.

Full description of CashCow Protocol Milk

Milk Token (?) is the token with the following use cases: -Rewarding CashCow Staking (?) Pools Users -Minting NFTs -In-Game Currency $MILK tokenomics are totally different compared to CashCow Token. As CashCow are able to produce infinite milk, $MILK will have infinite supply, but will have a burning mechanism in which part of all $MILK used on the NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) Marketplace will be burned.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MILK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS