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What is Netzcoin?

A Real World Asset Backed Crypto Currency.

Full description of Netzcoin

A Real World Asset Backed Crypto (?) Currency. NETZ is developed by the team that over 36 years has partaken in over 200 successful projects with zero defaults, at a cost of $30 billion in project finance capital. NETZERO is now introducing their NETZ Coin, a 2.0 Generation Security token. NETZ enables open access to all Investors into high yielding of Energy Power Plants, which has historically only been accessible to Multibillion Energy Corporations and Funds. NETZ is a Security Token (?) (STO) that is fully compliant for both US and international investors. All financial metrics and results are reported in the Blockchain (?) for full transparency and unaltered information to all token holders.
  • Exchange symbol (?): NETZ
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS