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What is NGMI Coin?

NGMI Coin is a decentralized meme token built on the Avalanche Network.

Full description of NGMI Coin

NGMI Coin (?) is a Decentralized (?) meme Token (?) built on the Avalanche Network. NGMI has a total supply of 1B tokens. Over time, we plan to buy back and burn NGMI tokens. Almost all of NGMI's supply is being airdropped and added to the liquidity pool. Any remaining NGMI will be stored in the NGMI Treasury, where NGMI holders can decide what we do with it. NGMI Coin is the honest sh*tcoin. We're not here to promote false promises; our only focus is growing our community and ecosystem in the open. As we grow, we hope our community remains engaged in helping form the future of NGMI Coin.
  • Exchange symbol (?): NGMI
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

NGMI Coin for developers

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 Source: NOMICS