PACT community token (BEP-20) logo

What is PACT community token (BEP-20)?

PACT token represents an entire ecosystem designed to unite the crypto community where users can execute various management functions and have privileged access to products and services of the ecosystem, taking an active part in the development of PACT and receiving rewards in return.

Full description of PACT community token (BEP-20)

PACT Token (?) represents an entire ecosystem designed to unite the Crypto (?) community where users can execute various management functions and have privileged access to products and services of the ecosystem, taking an active part in the development of PACT and receiving rewards in return.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PACT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

PACT community token (BEP-20) for developers

PACT community token (BEP-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS