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What is Pixiu Finance?

Pixiu Finance is a Decentralized token built on Ethereum network (erc20) with independent developers, own by koinvendors exchanging platform.

Full description of Pixiu Finance

Pixiu Finance is a Decentralized (?) Token (?) built on Ethereum network (erc20) with independent developers, own by koinvendors exchanging platform. The system is built with a high security level and a low chance of risk for wealth merchants, investors and traders by the company selling out and liquidate 99% of pixiu finance to reduce volatility and dumping with a 1% airdrop. Like every other decentralized token, Pixiu finance is controlled by the Pixiu traders.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PIXIU
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Pixiu Finance for developers

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 Source: NOMICS