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What is Ricochet?

Ricochet Exchange allows users to trade ERC20 tokens using streaming, continuous payments.

Full description of Ricochet

Ricochet Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) allows users to trade ERC20 tokens using streaming, continuous payments. Centralized platforms make it easy to set up Dollar-cost Averaging (DCA) but they do not offer the advantages of Decentralized (?) finance including privacy, security, and fees. Performing DCA (Dollar-cost averaging) (?) in decentralized financial markets incurs high network fees, is time consuming, and will not scale as the number of individuals doing DCA increases. Ricochet Exchange addresses this issue by offering individuals a decentralized exchange that can be used to setup DCA with a single transaction. The advantages of using Ricochet include saving on network transaction fees/blockspace, saving time by not performing manual DCA transactions, and get an extra layer of privacy through the obscurity of streaming payments with Superfluid. Ricochet Token (?) (RIC) is the Ricochet DAO governance token. It has a fixed supply of 10 million tokens. All 10 million tokens were minted and transferred to the Ricochet DAO Treasury, a Gnosis multi-signature safe. RIC is used voting on how to use the funds accumulated in the DAO's Treasury.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RIC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS