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What is Shibamon?

Shibamon is a deflationary token on the Ethereum smart chain that gives holders reflections in the form of Shibamon rewards. Rare and shiny NFTs, all original 151 Shibamon will be available in varying rarities.

Full description of Shibamon

Shibamon is a deflationary Token (?) on the Ethereum smart chain that gives holders reflections in the form of Shibamon rewards. Rare and shiny NFTs, all original 151 Shibamon will be available in varying rarities. You’ll be able to mint them, trade and even evolve them by combining 2 or more of the same NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) 👀 Work and design has already started and they will play a massive part in the ecosystem Shibamon is currently building.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SHIBAMON
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Shibamon for developers

Shibamon social sites

 Source: NOMICS