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What is Avior Protocol?

AVIOR PROTOCOL token is a blockchain decentralized platform based on Multichain which is going to bridge with other blockchains of the modern world.

Full description of Avior Protocol

AVIOR PROTOCOL Token (?) is a Blockchain (?) Decentralized (?) platform based on Multichain which is going to bridge with other blockchains of the modern world. AVIOR network is designed as a high- performance to provide many services in 1 platform. AVIOR will be a whole ecosystem that will provide features like Staking, NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) Marketplace, Exchange, Swap, Lending/Borrowing under an umbrella. AVIOR will develop its own unique NFT marketplace and will connect the decentralized community. People will now be able to own exclusive rights on NFT.
  • Exchange symbol (?): VIO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS