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What is Vitruvian?

Vitruvian token is a BEP20 | Based on BSC | with limited units and a constant grow project, created to be used in our own NFT's Platform, with low tax and secure transactions, every artist and cryptofan can promote and sell the art they make by using our token and app

Full description of Vitruvian

Vitruvian Token (?) is a BEP20 | Based on BSC | with limited units and a constant grow project, created to be used in our own NFT's Platform, with low tax and secure transactions, every artist and cryptofan can promote and sell the art they make by using our token and app
  • Exchange symbol (?): VTV
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Vitruvian for developers

Vitruvian social sites

 Source: NOMICS